Below, we show you in a few steps how you can easily change, increase or decrease your social contributions via My Liantis.
1. Log in with itsme® or eID on the online platform My Liantis.
2. Welcome to your start page! Click on 'Ik als zelfstandige' (Me as an independent) in the bar on the left.
3. Next, click on 'Mijn sociaal statuut' (My social statute).
4. You are now on your social statute page. Scroll down to ‘Mijn dashboard’ and click on the button ‘Bijdrage aanpassen’.
5. In the field below ‘Nieuw inkomen op jaarbasis’, you can enter your modified net annual income and click on ‘Mijn bijdrage aanpassen’:
You will receive a confirmation of the change after a few seconds via the notifications at the top right of your screen. If you requested an increase, the notification will contain a link to the contribution revision document. A reduction must first be aproved by your customer advisor.