Do you wish to change from self-employed in a complementary occupation to self-employed in a prinicipal occupation or vice versa? Then you can easily change your status via your My Liantis account.
Below we show you in a few steps how to change your status via the My Liantis portal.
1. You can log in with itsme® or eID.
2. Welcome to your homepage! In the bar on the left, click on I am self-employed.
3. Then click on My social status.
4. You are now on your social status page. Click on the tab "My profile".
5. Click on the "My career" tab and use the "Change to main job" or "Change to secondary job" button depending on your current status.
If you want to stop or close your self-employed activity click on the button ‘Stop my activity’.
6. Fill in and tick what applies. You will receive confirmation of your application by e-mail afterwards.